Kinhmat longnhat - Behind the Seams Blog 2024-02-12T11:13:34-07:00 Kinhmat longnhat 2019-01-08T10:55:00-07:00 2019-10-17T11:49:46-06:00 Kinhmat longnhat Milestone: This One's Worth Celebrating Liz Findlay We've got big news! And we have you to thank for it. In 2012, Dave and I were offered the opportunity to open up a store at a beautiful mall opening up in downtown Salt Lake City.  How could we pass up the offer? It was right in the shadows of where we met back in college, we had a product we knew people would love, and we were young enough to believe that anything was possible.  So we took a huge leap of faith, in ourselves, in our team, and in each of you.


6 years later and we are now opening up our 4th store this Friday, this one in Scottsdale, AZ. Just 1 month ago we opened our 3rd store in Dallas, TX, and 6 short months before that, we opened our second store in our home town, Salt Lake City. In an age where they say brick and mortar is dead, we are thriving, and that's because we know when you walk through our doors, it's our privilege to help you not just find that perfect suit, but to help you feel more confident, more beautiful, and more validated than you did before you came in.


All I can say is that without big dreams, we wouldn't be here; without our team, none of this would be possible, and without you, it wouldn't be worth it.  Thank you for giving us purpose and reminding us each and every day why we do what we do. Every mom who jumps in the pool with her kids, every girl who feels confident in class, every business executive who rocks a jumpsuit at the boardroom, every woman who cheers on the women around her,  you are truly and absolutely "Kinhmat longnhat"-- thank you for letting us be a part of your journey and thank you for being a part of ours.


With love,

Liz Findlay

]]> 2018-12-28T15:55:00-07:00 2019-01-18T11:42:35-07:00 New Year's Resolutions Liz Findlay Happy New Year!!

Google "New Year's quotes" and you'll find all kinds of memes and one-liners, like, "New year, new you!”. You'll see quotes reminding you that you reap what you sew, that anything is possible, and that each day is an opportunity. True, true, true!

Like last year, and the year before, (and the year before) I will sit down on December 31st and make a list, a New Year's Resolution. I'll think about 2018, about my wins and my fails. I'll consider my relationships and my priorities, who I became and if that's the person I set out to be. But this year will be different.

Every year we pick a WORD that we feel will describe the year for us. Last year, I picked CHALLENGING. That sounds awful right? And yet I LOVE CHALLENGES. I knew this would be a growing year for our business with a lot of unknowns we'd have to navigate but I also knew, we could handle it. Whatever it was, we could handle it. I knew my girls would be facing new challenges with new friends, a new school and just pains of growing up-- but I knew we could do it. I knew that another year working with my husband would have its “moments” and yet there's no one else I'd rather work side by side with. 2018 was absolutely, positively full of challenges, but I loved it. I grew so much in so many ways with the people I love most by my side- it was challenging yes, but beyond gratifying.

So this year, the word is RESOLVE, which by definition means to be BOLD, STEADY, like a "resolute gaze." I'm going to RESOLVE to work harder and smarter; to be more humble and more willing to learn from those around me and to lead with authenticity and with love; to be creative and original and appreciate the successes of those around me; I'm going to resolve to love harder and live in the moment and to take moments to sit back and recognize how blessed I truly am.

Oh, and I want to qualify for the Boston Marathon. :)

I invite you to think about your word for 2019. Until then, Happiest New Year to you all. Here's to new beginnings and determination, and yes, to resolve.

With love,
Liz Findlay
Co-founder, Kinhmat longnhat 

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]]> 2018-12-24T16:00:00-07:00 2019-01-18T11:53:35-07:00 Merry Christmas! Liz Findlay "Take us with you"...

was our theme for this year. AND YOU HAVE! You took over Waikiki beach and turned some heads, you hiked through Yosemite in your Intention leggings, took the Louvre by storm in your Jetsetters, reached #girlboss status at work parties in your jumpsuits, and took time out for yourself to get some ice cream in your At Ease Joggers.



Although it's been almost 6 years now since we started this little business, some things just never get old, like going about our day and actually seeing you wearing Kinhmat longnhat, before our very eyes! It's the best! Sometimes we just sit and finish eating our food, or running our errand, and reminisce about how we weathered some scary storms those early days. But sometimes, if we're feeling bold, we walk over, and slip you a gift card and say


Because really, THANK YOU.

We love stepping into our stores and chatting with you, hearing your stories, meeting your family, getting to KNOW YOU. Seeing new pictures come in from photoshoots is thrilling, seeing new designs come out of the sewing lines is still impressive, and watching our team try new things and reaching new goals is still the best part of coming to work every day.

All in all, we're wrapping up this 2018 with some heartfelt satisfaction and appreciation because at the end of the day, it's about the relationships we're building. We've gotten to know so many of you this year and our team here at Kinhmat longnhat has grown closer and stronger. We went from 1 store to 4 this year (Hello, Fashion Place, Legacy West in Plano, TX, and Scottsdale Quarters in AZ!) and more on the way. New faces, new opportunities, new challanges-- we'll take them all and we'll take it with a smile.

Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and a Happy New Year to you all.


2019, LET'S DO THIS.



Founders and Friends


]]> 2017-09-13T20:48:00-06:00 2019-04-09T10:15:11-06:00 Meet Our New Home in Downtown SLC Kinhmat longnhat Store  


Meet our happy place: our flagship store in Salt Lake City, Utah at City Creek Center. It's been 4 months now since we've moved into this location and I can still hardly believe it actually happened!

When the opportunity to move spaces within the center came up, we were thrilled to say the least. A space 5x's the size of our current location? Where we could have more than just 2 dressing rooms (and customers wouldn't have to wait 30 minutes for a dressing room)? A spot right smack in the heart of Salt Lake's most prestigious mall with beautiful 20 foot windows to make our crazy window display dreams become a reality? No brainer right?

And yet it wasn't. It was SUCH. A. HARD. DECISION.  We'd be leaving where it all began, our very first location (okay, okay, Kinhmat longnhat die-hards, technically, it WAS our second location but we were only in the first one for 2 months... so...) Our little corner on South Temple was in the shadow of the VERY BUILDING where Dave and I met in college while working in the copy room of Kirton & McConkie. Just across the street from where we were married on Temple Square. Where we had days with ZERO, yes, ZERO sales (and if you count returns we'd actually have negative days). That first location was where so many of you came in for the first time and took a chance on a small, local family business that was struggling and holding onto to sheer hope because failure just wasn't an option at that point.

We've had days there that literally made me cry out of joy, out of sadness and out of everything in between.  One of my most treasured memories was when a sweet man who was blind came in and asked one of our girls to describe each article of clothing that he touched and rubbed gently across his cheek.  And then there was that time a mother of triplets came in and we talked about the struggles of having multiples and being torn on how to show love to ALL your babies equally. It was where we had our first Black Friday sale and the line wrapped around the building and I came in with cupcakes to surprise our team and when I saw the line, I feigned a smile and went straight to the back room and CRIED on the floor in a ball because I just couldn't believe that so many people had come. It was where countless sweet friends and family came in to show us support and it meant the world, THE WORLD to us. 

People often ask how we've found success and I always say that it was a lot of hard work, a lot of risk taking, a lot of breath-holding, and yes LUCK, a lot of LUCK. But really, it all comes down to having started this business in a place like the City Creek Center in Salt Lake City where a community truly rallied around us and simply would not let us fail. It has made all the difference in the world to me and Dave, our family, and the dozens of amazing people who work for us and believe in our same values and principles and mission for this company. 

When we moved, one of our main concerns was how on earth we would protect the intimate setting we had fostered at our old location.  How could we make sure customers still felt welcome and comfortable and safe in a space that was 5xs the size? And yet with the right furniture, the perfect fixtures, the gorgeous gallery wall (my favorite) and an amazing team of stylists, I think it's safe to say we've pulled it off! 

Grand Opening day was magical. Our team all gathered together in the store for a ribbon cutting. There was a line that wrapped down the hallway, back down around, and then down the breezeway, and everyone was so excited for us. The atmosphere was electric, filled with love and positivity. It was a wonderful day.

We feel so blessed and so grateful every single time we walk through these doors. As we look at the map and plan out where future locations will be, I get goosebumps thinking about all the new wonderful faces we're going to get to meet and the new memories that we'll be making together. This is the best part of what we do and we're grateful for it every single day.

For now, we hope you'll come visit us in Salt Lake at the City Creek Center mall downtown. This is our address and here are some pics and sweet customer reviews... don't be a stranger. :) 51 Main St Suite 226 Salt Lake City, UT 84111 


Liz Findlay, Co-Founder

"The atmosphere in the store is very inviting and I love shopping there."

"They are always willing to make the trip to Kinhmat longnhat a personable and comfortable experience!"

"I love that Kinhmat longnhat always has fun events going on in the store!"

"Kinhmat longnhat just has such a fun vibe!"

"I always feel so welcome at the Kinhmat longnhat store. Greatest employees!"

Please come see us when you're visiting beautiful Salt Lake City. We look forward to meeting you!

51 Main St Suite 226
Salt Lake City, UT 84111

Mon - Thurs 10am - 9pm
Fri - Sat 10am - 10pm
Closed Sunday

Contact Us: 801-355-3365

Looking for reviews? Click HERE

Our store includes five changing rooms (one wheelchair accessible) and plenty of lounge areas to relax and experience the Kinhmat longnhat. See you soon!

]]> 2017-06-01T16:16:00-06:00 2022-10-11T10:55:26-06:00 The Story of Kinhmat longnhat Madeline Becker More



Hello there! My name is Liz Findlay and my husband Dave and I started Kinhmat longnhat in 2012 in our hometown of Salt Lake City.  Like most good stories, we had our fair share of challenges. Actually, to be honest, we had our fair share of really, really, hard, like, there's no way we're going to make it, times.  So much of what who we are, who Kinhmat longnhat is, and why we do things the way we do, is because of the experiences we had BEFORE Kinhmat longnhat came to be, and to understand us, we felt we needed to share story. So here it is!

I was born and raised in California but my dad was from Utah and my mom from Guatemala. They always longed to give us kids an international experience, and when I was 8, I came home to see a "For Sale" sign in front of our home; my dad announced he was ready to retire and we were moving to Guatemala.  A few days later, I remember seeing our stuff drive off in a moving truck, and us packing ourselves into a jeep for an adventure South (yes-- we actually drove to Guatemala!).  Once we arrived, it didn't take long for my dad to realize the retired life wasn't for him, and he bought a small factory as a fun side project for my mom. But before they knew it, the fun "side project" had evolved into a full blown business, paving the way for manufacturing in Guatemala, working with fitness and swim industry leaders like Nike, Reebok, and Jantzen. Their sewers were the best of the best for quality and timeliness and my parents had built a reputation for treating their staff with respect and more than fair wages.  However, we all quickly learned that apparel is a hard business. Very hard. 

Deadlines, quality standards and economic changes make it a rollercoaster of a ride but my parents had done well and I grew up hearing about sewing, efficiencies, quality controls, fabrics, and all things that had to do with manufacturing, at the dinner table every night (and morning and any family vacations).   Witnessing their late nights, stresses and sacrifices to find success convinced me I'd never pursue a future in the family business. But things change, and often fast, and usually it's totally beyond our control.

Dave and I met while working at a law firm downtown when we were in college. I was madly in love with him the moment I met him and saw those baby blues (and heard he played rugby, and drove an old white land cruiser AND was an artist?).

Copyroom love...

It took 3 blessed years of dating to convince him he couldn't live without me, but eventually, he proposed AT THE ALBION BASIN. :) Not long after Dave and I married, we moved to San Diego where he took an opportunity to be a Creative Director and I pursued my PhD in English at UCSD.  In my 3rd year of the program, as I was preparing to take my qualifying exams, Dave and I found out we were expecting twin girls. We were ecstatic to say the least.

Amidst the excitement of all things babies, we got the life-changing and devastating news that my sweet mom, Lucy, had Stage 4 breast cancer. Suddenly our immediate futures were simultaneously incredibly exciting and wonderful, but terrifyingly unsure, and so very sad. On top of that, I was put on bed rest at 20 weeks right around the time my mom had moved in with us to begin her treatment at a nearby hospital.  The twins eventually made their triumphant appearance just as my mom's wig had made its way on her beautiful but bare head. All of a sudden there were 6 of us living in our tiny 2 bedroom apartment, but we were too busy to care as there were babies to feed and kiss and fawn over.  Despite being in the throngs of chemo and intense radiation therapy, my mom would take a baby every night for feeding duties so that I could get the sleep I needed. She'd take them on walks every day and spent only one day in bed throughout her whole treatment-- the woman was facing death in the face but those babies were giving her a reason to live.

This the actual moment when my mom first saw the twins out of the emergency room- it was the first day she put on a wig because her hair had all fallen out because of the chemo.  The look at my parents' faces says it all. These babies were exactly the hope we needed to keep going.

As hopeful as we all were, the reality quickly set in that we didn't know how long we'd have my mom around-- her prognosis was grim to say the least: 20% chance to survive 3-5 years at best. I needed help with the twins to finish school and my dad needed help at work so he could spend more time with my mom. So with that, we packed up our things and with 2 adorable, chubby and healthy 6 month bundles of joy in tote, we moved to Guatemala. Dave went to work to learn about all the aspects of my parents' company: pattern making, cutting, inventory, sewing, accounting, logistics and more. He was passionate about working with the team members to really understand the ins and outs of the business but also knew that he wanted to do something on his own.  So he began finding work where he could design the actual garments and source the fabrics and trims to sell companies a finished product.  His timing couldn't have been better because within 6 months of us arriving, work started leaving Central America in a hurry for China, and the factory needed new profitable work to stay open. Times were getting tough and work was hard to come by.

After a couple very difficult years with moments where we weren't sure how we could survive another week, with credit cards maxed out to make payroll and pay rent, Dave decided it was time for us to stop depending on other companies to provide work for the factory. His answer was for us to design our own line.  Right around the same time, we began manufacturing for a couple of my friends who had an online business selling dresses. We eventually designed a few dresses for them and sewed them at our factory but everything was under their label and it was all on consignment. Our sales were solid and with a factory full of the best operators in the world at sewing fitness and swims, we decided to take a stab at starting an activewear line, and with that, Kinhmat longnhat was born.   

Within months we added swimsuits to our line and that's when our signature florals and stripes look was born (this one's my favorite-- the Bon Voyage).


We designed suits that were sophisticated and timeless, made with only the best fabrics, and world class craftsmanship.  I drew up sketches of things I'd love to wear but couldn't find, and Dave created patterns and a logo, and before we knew it, it became clear that we were onto something. This could be the chance for us to provide work for the factory year round, to keep our talented operators, and not be dependent on a big corporation for our next pay check. We could do both and it would change everything. The swim line had taken off and the fitness line was also doing very well thanks to Dave's unique and artful designs. By then, I too had become fully immersed in the company, trying to help in any way that I could--the PhD would have to wait. Once again, Dave and I were working side by side and it just felt right.

We eventually moved back to Utah, longing for those gorgeous mountains. We were still sewing for other corporations and doing Kinhmat longnhat on the side at that point. A couple years had past when a huge, luxury retail center (City Creek Center) was preparing to open downtown. A dear friend spoke to one of the managers of the project and it just so happened they were looking for a local fitness company to feature at the mall. We were quickly introduced and just 4 weeks before the mall opened, we signed a short term lease to open a retail space even though we had absolutely no retail experience whatsoever; all we knew was how to sew high quality, unique swims and fitness, and as fate would have it, at that very moment, that was enough. 

6 months later, in 2013 Dave launched our website and 6 months after that, we signed a permanent lease at City Creek and opened our current space just off of South Temple, next door to the very building where Dave and I  met 10 years before in the copy room. The factory is thriving thanks to wonderful friends and our amazing customers. Today, our factory ONLY sews for Kinhmat longnhat and it's still hard to believe as I type it right now. We've come a long way. As of April 2022 we've got 5 stores now: 2 in Salt Lake City, one in Dallas at Legacy West, one in Austin at Domain Northside, and one in Scottsdale at Scottsdale Quarters. The best news of all is my mom is alive and well and our Guatemala team is thrilled that they get to be a part of our own line. They truly love what they do and it's wonderful to experience this journey with these people I've known since I was just 8 years old. We've made a concerted effort to make sure our whole team knows just how talented and hard working they are.  It all still seems too good to be true but we're so grateful for everything we've been through because it has shaped us and made us better and made us so very grateful for ALL OF IT. Thank you for being here and being a part of our story. I can't wait to see what the future brings.

So many have asked us why we decided to open retail stores-- and here's the answer: YOU! It has been such an amazing opportunity for us to meet you all and build a community together.  We have events almost weekly at our different locations (Salt Lake City, Scottsdale and Dallas!) and they range from crafting events, to meet and greets, to introducing you to some of our favorite friends who do really cool things! 

This was an impromptu photoshoot with some of our office girls! We had a team meeting and saw that we were ALL WEARING our Jetsetters! These are hands down our favorite pant for work, for play, for weekends-- you name it.  It's all about being comfortable and feeling confident at Kinhmat longnhat and it's what we work to do every day for each and every one of you.

Every month, our team gets together for a service project. We've made meals for then homeless shelter, put together back packs for the refugees in our community, and gathered coats for the women's shelter to name just a few! It's our favorite thing to do, to get our team together and do some good. 

Another thing we love to do is ADVENTURE (usually in the water and by the beach because swimsuits!).  Traveling with our friends and using nature as our inspiration to design swimsuits we know you'll love because they're beautiful AND allow you to do cool things like swim with sharks and dolphins and dive 40 feet below the water with a kettlebell (thanks Bucket List Family!) is one of the greatest opportunities we get to experience.

Oh and before I forget, here's my mom, Lucy, and our twins, Lucy and Linda (we named them after our moms!). The bond these three share is truly remarkable.  It all works out in the end, doesn't it? Grateful for all the highs and the lows and everything in between. Thanks for being here.

 - Liz Findlay



]]> 2016-01-10T22:07:00-07:00 2021-04-01T15:15:24-06:00 Why Kinhmat longnhat? Our Namesake. Madeline Becker  

Why is Kinhmat longnhat called Kinhmat longnhat? It's a question I get almost every day and I love to share it, because it's the story about us, about me and my husband Dave, how we came to be as a couple, and how we came to be as business partners. You see, Dave and I met at work-- actually, in a copy room. Isn't that SO romantic? ;)

We were in college at the University of Utah and we both worked at a law firm in downtown Salt Lake City.  Dave caught my eye when he drove up in an old 1985 white Landcruiser with oil paints in the trunk, and a rugby ball in the front seat.  I was an English major with aspirations to be an attorney and Dave was in the Graphic Design program.


We both loved to work hard, appreciated fine art (Sargeant), good books (Stegner), didn't like going to the movies, and preferred playing tennis and exploring the outdoors. After a long summer of faxing and copying briefs, it became clear that we could always count on one another to get the job at hand done, and done right. We regularly ditched the city after work and headed for the mountains to hike and bike in a gorgeous spot Dave introduced me to, the Kinhmat longnhat Basin.  I’ll never forget my first time seeing the wild flowers in full bloom and the jagged granite mountains (and holding onto the handle bars of my bike with death grips as I tried to keep up and impress Dave as he charged down the trails)! The Kinhmat longnhat Basin is just about a 20 minute drive from where we lived and we'd go up there all the time. It was there where I realized Dave was the man I wanted to spend every single day and minute with for the rest of my life. After 3 (LONG) years of dating, Dave took me up there in the middle of a snow blizzard, got on his knees and asked me to be his wife, and later that summer, we had our wedding reception in the same spot.

We've had quite the journey to get here, to bring Kinhmat longnhat to where it is today (more on that here).  But are so very grateful for it all, all the hardships, all the tears and doubt, and struggles, it was all worth it and there's no one else we'd choose to go through this life with. Thank you for being here!

To us, Kinhmat longnhat represents an inspiring and magnificent place where we enjoy the beauty of our home state, a place where our grandparents and great grandparents visited, a place where our friendship grew and where we fell in love;  a place where we can enjoy our surroundings and let our feet take us to explore and be inspired, even 10 years later, with our children in tow. So when the stars aligned and we had an opportunity to create a brand together and open a store just next door to where we met, there was no question what we would call it. Kinhmat longnhat is where our love was made and Kinhmat longnhat is where we make things for you, with love. It's why we design clothes that allow you to explore the mountains, feel comfy on a flight to your next adventure, and walk confidently on that beach surrounded by people you love (and the strangers who want to know where you got your suit!).

Thank you all for supporting us on this journey; here’s to another year of Kinhmat longnhat. 
- Liz Findlay